
Bezig met laden...

Every day, hundreds of new customers visit Dutch Expat Shop (over 40,000 visitors per month), the biggest online supermarket for expats.

Dutch Expat Shop offers you 27,000 typically Dutch and typically Belgian products at very competitive prices combined with the lowest worldwide shipping rates. On top of that, new products are added to our assortment every day and it is even possible to order products that are not (yet) found on the website of Dutch Expat Shop. We also offer suppliers the possibility to sell additional products through our website.

Most of our customers are Dutch and Belgian emigrants with a special interest in typically Dutch and typically Belgian products. But also non-Dutch people visit our website on a daily basis. The reputation of Dutch Expat Shop grows every day, even though we have only been active for a couple of years now. By employing the right strategy and thanks to our professional work ethic, we hope to increase the brand familiarity of Dutch Expat Shop even more, something you as a company and/or organization could also profit from!

Dutch Expat Shop in search engines

Not only is Dutch Expat Shop easy to find through links on other websites, but even the major search engines can trace Dutch Expat Shop without a problem. You can easily find us via Google, Bing and Yahoo.

As a consequence, our website is a perfect medium for the internet exposure of your company or organization.

Advertising possibilities

There are a few ways you can use this “medium”, depending on your goals:


You wish to associate the name of your company or organization expressly and for a longer period to Dutch Expat Shop. In that case, sponsoring may be an interesting option for you. For a period of 12 months, you will be visible to all your potential customers, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week!

A sponsor package contains the following:

  • One "advertisement slider" on our homepage;
  • your own “spotlight adds” to promote your own products or services via our website; and
  • the name of your company or organization will be mentioned as a sponsor in all official correspondences, promotional materials and social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with over 14,000 followers) of Dutch Expat Shop!

For sponsoring we apply a contract term of 12 months. Please contact our Sales department for more information about sponsoring. The price of this package will be € 1000, excluding 21% VAT.

Note: Dutch Expat Shop strives towards a balanced community of sponsors. From this point of view, Dutch Expat Shop retains the right to refuse applications for sponsor contracts.

Banners or buttons:

You wish to further increase the brand familiarity of your company or your organization (branding). For this, we offer you the possibility of banners or buttons. We can place your banner or button on the website of Dutch Expat Shop in two possible formats and in three different locations (on top of our home page, the brand page of our products and the product page). You will pay a monthy fee of € 100, excluding 21% VAT.

In the spotlights:

You just started off or you wish to promote a new product or service. You can use the website of Dutch Expat Shop to actively promote your new product or service during a short period of time. Using one of our six “slides”, you can promote an image of your company or your product on our website, together with a short description. It is also possible to sell your product or service through our website. Your products will be placed under the header “Brands” as well as under the header “New”. You are completely free to choose the prices of your products and their description (including a photo). Furthermore, it is possible to place a banner, to promote your company or announce a special offer, for a maximum period of one month on our website. The monthly fee of this package will be € 100, excluding 21% VAT for an unlimited quantity of products or services. For more information or if you have special desires, please contact our Sales department.

Standard link/sponsored link:

You would like to be mentioned on our link page for an extended period of time. It is possible to have us place a link to your website, including your company name, for a yearly fee. Or you can opt for a sponsored link, which contains your own text (with a maximum of 100 words). Both options are lucrative ways of advertising for smaller companies and organizations. You will pay a yearly fee of € 50, excluding 21% VAT.


Advertising through the Dutch Expat Shop's newsletter. The free Dutch Expat Shop newsletter gets sent out on a regular basis since November 2013 two times per month. You can advertise in our newsletter using a short text, included with your own photo. Per newsletter you will pay € 100, excluding 21% VAT, which will be send to our 40,000 happy customers. Contact our Sales department for the possibilities.

Social Media:

Use Dutch Expat Shop's Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter to promote your products or services. You can send an advertising with a short description and a photo to all our 14,000 followers. Per advertisement you pay € 100, excluding 21% VAT. Ask our Sales departement for more possibilities. 

Dutch Expat Shop retains the right to refuse provided texts and/or images, if they contain discriminating or offensive content.

All forms of advertisement will be placed based on available space.

Contact information:

Please contact our Sales department for more information:

We thank you for your interest.